Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hey Do You Know a Guy?--How to Find Better Than Clearance Deals Online

Wouldn't it be great if we all had a friend on the inside who gave us a wink and a nod every time an unbelievably good deal was about to go online? Well unfortunately things aren't quite that simple for most of us, and we have to try and find this information out for ourselves. How do you find those once in a lifetime deals on products, where it seems as if the computer must have missed out a zero or two?

Let's first discuss one rare but still plausible scenario. Every once in a while, people make errors on auction sites. We are all human after all, even those who are creating listings for online auctions. This rare but extremely important moment may only happen once in a blue moon but if you happen to come across an auction that has some form of pricing error in it then jump in board and grab it before anyone notices! Don't ring your friends to tell them about it and certainly do not message the site to say that something seems awry, just bid on the item and keep quiet until it arrives home. There have been reported cases of people grabbing brand new laptops for $ 10 due to an error in the system, but hey, they won the bid fair and square.

Another scenario: sometimes auctions or certain sellers on auction sites overestimate the demand for a product and service and end up giving away the product for a lower-than-anticipated price. Again, you can take advantage of someone else's mistake. And unlike stores that usually don't honor pricing mistakes, auction sites will almost always honor the price.

New stores and auction sites may offer incentive purchasing in order to attract new customers and create a buzz on their site. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get some extremely low cost items. Sometimes they even sell items for less than the cost price, taking a financial hit on them just to get customers onto the site. If you are lucky enough to be in the know, get on there are get bidding because it certainly won't last forever.

Everyone loves a clearance price, but it is not always easy to come across these low prices on a daily basis, so being observant in sales patterns will help you to bag a real bargain. Out of season stock and end of line products can be sold off at extremely low prices as any money is better to the companies than having old stock sitting on the shelf. If you are not the kind of person that is desperate to have the brand new model, this could be a great way to get the lowest price deals.

You don't have to know a guy…you just have to be savvy.

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Online penny auctions are currently the best resource for finding new merchandise below market price. Learn how to get free bids, and free shipping when you register with PennyDealDaily, the only site with multiple auction platforms.

Orignal From: Hey Do You Know a Guy?--How to Find Better Than Clearance Deals Online

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