Articles provide you with all those things. You can earn a great deal of money from articles. In fact, if you do it correctly you can go from your full time job to full time Internet marketing in only three months. These techniques work in any niche, not just Internet niches.
On the Internet you need:
1. Content
2. Traffic
3. Marketing and List of highly qualified people
4. Products from your articles
Tip: If you want to become a prolific expert in your niche then do these four things: article writing, article marketing, article submission, and article income.
There are four pillars of article marketing which include:
1. Article writing: Writing articles for your business.
2. Article marketing: Getting your name and info in front of more people
3. Article submission: Not so much about how you submit articles, but where you submit.
4. Article income: Earning money from your article.
First of all, let's dispel three myths about the Internet:
Internet Myth #1: But I can't write.
Why this is a lie: Even if you don't believe you can write, you can still write articles. It doesn't matter your background or education. If you can write a 7-items grocery list then you can write a 7 tips article that will bring you publicity and profits.
Internet Myth #2: The Internet is just too crowded.
Why this is a lie: You can blanket the Internet and create a massive web presence that draws people to you. You can dominate your niche. You can be the go-to guy in your niche.
Internet Myth #3: You can't make money with articles.
Why this is a lie: Your competition will say this because they don't want you to write articles. Let everyone else believe it, but know that they are wrong. There are actually 21 ways to make money from your articles.
Now, back to article writing:
You can make it simple by using instant article templates. These are excellent outlines for articles.
Favorite template: The 7 = 8 instant article writing template.
Think of a specific topic in your niche and write down 7 tips or suggestions about this topic. The minimum article word count at e-zinearticles is only 250 words which means there are 35-36 words per tip.
The first article you write covers the 7 tips in a broad overview. Then write 7 more articles where each article covers one tip in depth.
So get started on writing your first article. It is the first step in profiting from articles and anybody can do it.
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Orignal From: Internet Marketing Tips With Articles = Money
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